Xvideoservicethief For Mac Os X

Version: 2.5.2:
Added chinese (traditional) translation (thank you Hsiu-Ming Chang)
Updated japanese translation
Fixed bug (Error: Language packages were not installed causing updates to get stuck)
Version: 2.5.1:
Added the possibility to uninstall the adult sites from your system and ignore them (no updates)
Added a new startup parameter '-resetmessages' for display again all the starting messages (welcome window, adults sites request and change-log)
Added a new startup parameter '-showchangelog' for display again the change-log of current version
Fixed bug (Error: Erratic main window centering on startup when more than one monitor was connected)
Fixed bug (Error: Information window was too small)
Mac OS X:
Compiled with Qt 5.2
Added Mac OS X Mavericks compatibility
Restored compatibility with Mac OS X Leopard (10.6.x)
Removed the QWebView module dependence (now the native WebView is used again and reduced the final binary size)
Version: 2.5:
Compiled with Qt 5.0.2
Added finnish translation (thanks to Tuomas Lähteenmäki)
Added bulgarian translation (thanks to Vasil Stoev)
Added the HTTPS protocol as valid
Added 15 new plugins:
ExtremeTube (thanks to crapmaster)
Real GF Porn (thanks to crapmaster)
Macho Video (thanks to crapmaster)
Totally nsfw (thanks to crapmaster)
Totally Crap (thanks to crapmaster)
Totally Up Yours (thanks to crapmaster)
My girlfriend vids (thanks to crapmaster)
Home made voyeur (thanks to crapmaster)
WTF People (thanks to crapmaster)
Stolen XXX Videos (thanks to crapmaster)
Newsfilter (thanks to crapmaster)
m90 (thanks to crapmaster)
GirlfriendVids (thanks to crapmaster)
PornTube (thanks to crapmaster)
Changed plug-ins:
Google Videos
TV3 a la Carta
Yuvutu (thanks to crapmaster)
Improved the program version comparation algorithm
Improved the RTMP support (new core based on RTMPDump 2.4 http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/).
Improved download stability! Yes! You did read it right!
Supported protocols: rtmp, rtmpe, rtmpt, rtmps, rtmpte, rtmpte, rtmfp
SSL support using the PolarSSL library (http://polarssl.org/)
Added live streaming support!
Fixed bug (Error: Sometimes crashes trying to cancel an update. Thanks ckorn)
Fixed bug (Error: Sometimes crashes searching videos)
Fixed bug (Error: The update module doesn't work as expected in some rare cases)
Plug-ins SDK:
Improved the RTMP support adding the 'rtmpParams' functionality (used for extra RTMP parameters). More info at Plugins SDK Wiki.
Due to an incompatibility with Webkit and static builds, the Webkit module has been removed in favor of IE web core (We hope that it will be temporary sorry guys )
Added HTTPS support (YES! Finally!)
Version: 2.4.1:
Added support for 'RTMPE' Flash protocol
Added a confirmation dialog before cleaning the downloads list
Added a confirmation dialog before deleting a download
Added possibility to add urls from files (separated in lines)
Added possibility to paste from clipboard more than one url at same time (separated in lines)
Added possibility to drop more than one url at same time (separated in lines)
Added new conversion format (mp4 HD)
Updated catalan translation
Updated spanish translation
Updated japanese translation
Updated german translation
Updated italian translation
Added two new plugins:
XHamster (thanks to Supelex Technologies)
Changed plug-in:
Caught on Tape (before known as Caught on Video)
Shred or Die
Improved all plug-in's icons (reduced icon file size)
Improved the internal management of downloads
Improved conversion to mp4 (now uses x264 v-codec + presets)
Fixed bug (Error: Custom video conversion was ignored if the options 'Convert downloaded videos' was disabled)
Plug-ins SDK:
Fixed bug (Error: The empty selections were not detected by 'copyBetween' function)
Updated ffmpeg library to version 0.6 (SVN-r25039
Version: 2.4:
The Http core has been fully rewritten from scratch, the result is a better performance and stability:
The latest Qt4 tecnologies are used
Added gzip support
Added more explicative errors
Imporved the time-out control
Improved the proxy support
Improved the cookies support
Reduced the CPU usage
Added the 'What's new' functionality
Added the winPenPack in credits window
Added video items multiselection manipulation
Added possibility to queue downloads
Added the 'Error code' in bug-report sent information
Added Network configuration options
Added Russian translation (thanks to h31)
Improved the automatic updates
Improved the image previewer (search videos)
Revised English translation
Revised Spanish translation
Revised Catalan translation
Changed 'Move UP' and 'Move DOWN' shortcut to 'Alt + up' and 'Alt + down'
Changed plug-in:
YouTube (new site supported)
YouTubeIslam (renamed to TubeIslam)
Fixed bug (Error: The session was not restored correctly)
Fixed bug (Error: The converted file names where truncated if a '.' was present)
Fixed bug (Error: The main window was freezed when an active search was interrupted)
Fixed bug (Error: The resuming downloads were never started in some rare situations)
Fixed bug (Error: The 'Invalid URL' error was not assigned with invalid URLs)
Fixed bug (Error: The bug-report was not displayed in some rare situations)
Plugins SDK:
Added 2 new methods to Http class:
void setCookiesEnabled(bool value)
void setTimeOutOption(bool value)
Fixed bug (Error: The default separator value of http::getCookies was not assigned)
Fixed bug (Error: The default separator value of http::addCookies was not assigned)
Version: 2.3.5:
Compiled with Qt 4.6.2
Added the possibility to rename the video titles (NOTE: only possible when it is not being downloaded or converted)
Added one new plug-in:
Revised English translation
Revised Spanish translation
Revised Catalan translation
Changed plug-in:
Youtube (updated search functions)
Improved (reduced and trimmed) all internal images for a better performance and reduction of application size
Windows Vista/7:
Added detection and migration of old and read-only downloads directory to a new downloads directory
Changed the default downloads directory to: 'C:/Users/{user}/Videos/xVST'
Version: 2.3.4:
Improved error detections with RTMP protocol
Fixed bug (Error: If an URL was not valid the program ended with an error)
Changed plug-ins:
Version: 2.3.3:
Added 'No results found' message for searchs with no results
Added the time remaining for videos with 'no-size' (RTMP protocol)
Improved time remaining calculation (RTMP and HTTP protocols)
Improved video previews in search functions
Improved session, when a new video is added the session is saved
Added one new plug-in:
TV3 a la Carta
Changed plug-ins:
Google Videos (updated search functions)
T'n A flix
Mac OS X:
Added GROWL support (if GROWL is not supported the old information popup is displayed)
Version: 2.3.2:
Updated program copyright to 2010
Changed plug-ins:
Windows (Static version):
Compiled with Qt 4.6 due to problems with Windows Vista and Windows 7
Version: 2.3.1:
Added one new plug-in:
Game Anyone? (thanks to Max Zorloff)
Changed plug-ins:
YouPorn (added search functions, thanks to Matze Ba)
MyVideo (added search functions, thanks to Matze Ba)
ClipFish (added search functions, thanks to Matze Ba)
T'n A flix
Revised Hungarian translation
Fixed bug (Error: Failed downloads were reported as 'Completed' instead of as 'Error')
Plugins SDK:
Added 5 new helper functions:
String trimString(String str)
String simplifyString(String str)
String programVersion()
String programVersionShort()
String programVersionNumber()
Fixed bug (Error: The default value of strLastIndexOf was incorrect)
xVST version 2.3 released! 2009-10-17
Here the full changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Version: 2.3:
* Added possibility to execute the xVST without the loading splash screen (execute with -nosplash)
* Added possibility to add videos on execution time (if another instance of xVST is running those URLs will be added into the current xVST instance)
* Added 'Plugin Version' information in 'Bug Report'
* Added Italiano translation (thanks to Vecna)
* Added possibility to pause an item when it is as 'Ready' state
* Added four new plug-in:
o Scientific Blogging
o TV2.hu
o Videolog (UOL)
o StreetFire
* Revised English translation
* Revised Spanish translation
* Revised Catalan translation
* Revised Japanese translation
* Revised Italian translation
* Updated the 'Thanks to' list with:
o Tilt: Japanese language author
o Christian Kieschnick: German language author
o Reintjedevos: Dutch language author
o Vecna: Italian language author
o Daniel Nylander: Swedish language author
* Changed: Only one instance of xVST can run at same time (this can be changed, executing the new xVST instance with parameter -forcenewinstance)
* Changed plug-ins:
o Youtube (updated search functions)
o Google Videos (updated search functions)
o Youtube
o Dailymotion
o 5min
o Caught-on-video
o ClipFish
o Metacafe
o T'n A flix
* Improved pasting URLs from clipboard (now they are trimmed)
* Fixed bug (Error: Dropped URLs directly to main window were not checked)
* Fixed bug (Error: The html tags where not removed from file name)
xVST version 2.2 released! 2009-08-06
This version comes with some new features, improvements and much more!!
Some new cool features has been added, but may be the most important new feature is the RTMP support! Read the full changelog for more information.
Known issues: On Windows Vista the RTMP downloads may not work.
Here the full changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Version: 2.2:
* Added RTMP (Adobe Flash streaming) support (thanks to flvstreamer)
* Added automatic network configuration (automatic proxy detection and configuration)
* Added two new searching scopes ('All standard services' and 'All adult services')
* Added save/restore last search settings
* Added dutch translation (thanks to Reintjedevos)
* Added japanese translation (thanks to Tilt)
* Added Changelog in 'Information' window
* Added 11 new plug-ins:
o Spankwire
o elRellano
o Pornfuze
o T'n A flix
o Jizz-hut
o Shred or Die
o Atom
* Changed plug-ins:
o Badjojo (added search functions)
* Fixed bug (Error: User-Agent was not send on HTTP requests)
* Changed default searching scope from 'All services' to 'All standard services'
* Revised the Catalan language file
Plug-ins SDK:
* Added 1 new property to VideoDefinition class:
o String userAgent
* Added 1 new method to Http class:
o void setUserAgent(String value)
* Fixed bug (Error: Updates were not installed correctly)
* Fixed bug (Error: The program updates were not installed correctly)
xVST version 2.1 released! A major update! 2009-07-03
I'm so glad to anounce this first non-alpha version of xVideoServiceThief!
This version comes with alot of new features, improvements and much more!! Also, the oficial website has been updated and redesigned to a more fancy and cool style!
Some new cool features has been added (search videos, scheduled dowloads, custom downloads...), read the full changelog for more information.
Almost all of your features request has been heared and implemented!
Here the full changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Changelog 2.1:
* First non ALPHA version!
* Compiled with Qt 4.5.2
* Added search videos feature
* Added new schedule option
* Added possibility to add custom downloads (if you have the video URL just enter it and the xVST will download/convert it for you)
* Added password for UPS! adult content blocking
* Added ability to Drop video directly to Downloads list
* Added loading window
* Added shortcuts to some common actions:
o Add video (control + A)
o Start download (control + S)
o Cancel download (alt + S)
o Pause/Resume download (control + P)
o Drag & Drop window (control + D)
o Check for updates (control + U)
o Program options (control + O)
o Search videos (control + F)
o Program information (control + I or 'cmd + ,' in MacOSX)
o Move video up (control + up)
o Move video down (control + down)
o Open downloads directory (control + T)
o Online help (F1)
* Added 16 new plug-ins:
o GodOfHumor
o Kontraband
o Pugorama
o OneHumor
o Clipjunkie
o Wat.tv
o CollageHumor
o Vimeo (Standard + HD)
o Disclose.tv
o Yuvutu
o Youporn
o Pornhub
o KeezMovies
o Freecaster
o GoEar
o XVideos
* Removed adult links from Information window when 'Block adults content' is enabled
* Removed adult plugins from blocking list when 'Block adults content' is enabled
* Updated completed download pop-up window
* Updated PayPal icon in main window
* Fixed bug (Error: re-directions were not correctly processed on HEAD requests)
* Fixed bug (Error: infinite re-directions were not controlled)
* Fixed bug (Error: ICO and GIF formats weren't supported on static compilations)
* Fixed bug (Error: The 'short' subversions were not compared correctly (i.e: 2.0.0a was equal to 2.0.0))
* Fixed bug (Error: After cancel the updates the program was finishing throwing an exception)
* Fixed bug (Error: Expired URL's were not refreshed before start download or resume an existend download)
* Improved visualization of video information
* Improved visualization of options menu
* Changed plug-ins:
o Mp3Tube is now YehPlay
o Google videos (added search feature)
o YouTube (added search feature)
Plug-ins SDK
* Added search plugins core:
o function searchVideos(keyWord, pageIndex)
o new SearchResults()
o void SearchResults::addSearchResult(videoUrl, imageUrl, title, description, duration)
* Added 1 new property to VideoDefinition class:
o String headers
* Added 2 new methods to Http class:
o void setMaxAutoJumps(int value)
o String downloadWebpageHeaders(String URL, String separator = 'n')
* Added 1 new helper function:
o Array splitString(String str, String separator, [bool splitBehavior], [bool caseSensitive])
* Added 'File', 'Controllers', 'Tools' and 'Help' menu items
* Added 'About xVideoServiceThief' in Application menu
* Added 'Preferences...' in Application menu
* Changed Add Video dialog to MacOSX Sheet style for better MacOSX look&feel
* Changed Languages Manager dialog to MacOSX Sheet style for better MacOSX look&feel
* Changed Credits dialog to MacOSX Sheet style for better MacOSX look&feel
* Changed alternating row color to grey for better MacOSX look&feel
* Changed historic.plist and session.plist location to '/{user}/Library/Application Support/xVideoServiceThief/'
* Changed image plug-ins cache dir to '/{user}/Library/Caches/xVideoServiceThief/plugins-cache'
* Fixed bug (Error: the completed pop-up text were always the same)
* Fixed bug (Error: window size wasn't correctly saved and restored)
* Fixed bug (Error: Drag&Drop window wasn't useful)
* Fixed bug (Error: on empty lists the alternating height row was incorrect)
* Fixed bug (Error: the 'checking for updates' dialog was displayed as separated window on task-bar)
* Changed image plug-ins cache dir to 'C:Documents and Settings{user}Program filesxVideoServiceThiefplugins-cache'
* Changed image plug-ins cache dir to '~/.xVideoServiceThief/plugins-cache'
* Changed Information dialog size
xVST version 2.0.1 alpha released! (bug fix release) 2009-05-06
This version is a bug fix release, which solve some important problems with last official version of xVST 2.0a.
Changelog 2.0.1a:
* Added RedTube plugin
* Updated German translation
* Updated Portuguese translation
* Updated Hungarian translation
* Fixed bug (Error: After send a bug report an empty message was displayed due to SF.net changes)
* Fixed bug (Error: Updates files were not parsed in UTF8)
* Fixed bug (Error: Paths with spaces where not correctly processed)
* Changed config.conf location (moved to 'C:Documents and Settings{user}Program filesxVideoServiceThief'
Windows (Static versions only)
* Compiled with VC++ 9.0.21022.8 version instead of VC++ 9.0.30729.1 (wich caused alot of 'This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.' messages.
xVST 2.0.0 is a reallity! 2009-05-01
One year after last official release, I'm glad to announce a new version of xVideoServiceThief.
This new version 2.0a comes with a lot of new features, improvements and updated services, but the most important change is the new xVST core based on plugins (java script plugins), so everyone can now write their own plugins.
The new xVST is developed using the last Qt framework (4.5.x), which is needed for the new xVST plugins core.
Also, an official version for MacOS X (Intel) is available! Yes! Finally! The PPC version is being developed.
The xVST linux version now includes a simple install script, which will help the users install the new xVST. Please read the 'readme.txt' before install the xVST linux.
Enjoy it!
Changelog 2.0a:
* Upgraded to Qt 4.5.x
* Changed the internal xVST monolithic core to a dynamic core (based on Plugins)
* Changed: After a new update, on restart the program will check again for updates
* Added Danish (DA) translation (thanks to Jens Chr. True)
* Added Portugese - Brasil (BR) translation (thanks to Mateus Tuler)
* Added Korean (KR) translation (thanks to Lee Evan)
* Added Hungarian (HU) translation (thanks to Zoltán Magyar (ZityiSoft))
* Added Galician (GL) translation (thanks to Marcos Díaz)
* Added Romanian (RO) translation (thanks to Iulian Temelie)
* Added German (DE) translation (thanks to Christian Kieschnick)
* Added Swedish (SV) translation (thanks to Daniel Nylander)
* Added automatic user language O.S detection
* Added URL for each video service in 'Information' form
* Added embeded checking for updates at startup
* Added the possibility to set a custom conversion configuration on add a new video
* Added sorting for 'Downloads log' list (now is sorted from old to new downloads)
* Added possibility to open urls (double click) in 'Downloads log' list
* Added Paypal donate button in main window
* Added conditional updates (for future possible complicated updates)
* Added double click detection on Drag&Drop window (displaying the main window)
* Added two new formats to convert:
o MP4 (*.mp4) format
o Sony PSP (*.mp4) format
* Fixed bug (Error: when two or more videos failed an exception was generated)
* Fixed bug (Error: iPod mp4 format was not converted, thanks to 'Jens Chr. True' for your help)
* Fixed bug (Error: 3gp format was not converted)
* Fixed bug (Error: editing the 'Downloads Dir' manually in Main form, on enter a new char the cursor where placed at end of edit)
* Fixed bug (Error: Invlaid file names when the video title contains '/' or ')
* Fixed bug (Error: Paypal link was corrupt, now the Paypal button links to xVST website donation page)
* Fixed bug (Error: Open downloads directory in tray icon were not opened)
* Fixed bug (Error: unneeded 'content-length' header was added causing '400 bad request' error in some servers)
* Fixed bug (Error: speed buttons of Options window where bad linked to mouse actions)
* Updated English language
* Updated Spanish language
* Updated Catalan language
* Updated french language
* Updated ffmpeg lib to last version (0.5)
* Improved internal HTTP class (added connection timeout)
* Improved update center (added download error detection)
* Revised all services:
o Added HD videos for Youtube
o Added HD videos for GameSpot
o Added Tangle.com (before GodTube)
o Removed Sclipo: Videos are not publics
o Removed Stage6: Website closed
o Removed Lulu.tv: Website closed (now is lulu.com and its a shopping site)
o Removed ZanyVideos: Videos are not publics
o Removed Zaable: Now is a strange website (videos seems to be privates)
o Removed Broadcaster: Website closed
o Removed GodTube: Website changed to Tangle
o Removed ZippyVideos: Website seems to be down
* Added new function: echo 'msg'
* Added possibility to use ' inside the '..' (i.e: 'bla bla 'quoted' bla bla')
* Added new optional parameter to 'exec' function 'wait' (i.e: exec 'app' wait)
* Configuration file for linux os is now : ~/.xVideoServiceThief (thanks to AzalSup)
* Default download directory for linux os is now ~/xVideoServiceThief_downloads (thanks to AzalSup)
* Compiled with last VC++ version (VC++ 2008 express edition)
Windows Vista
* Added detection of Windows Vista for advertise about 'administrator permission'
* Added administrator permission before execute xUpdater
* Added ffmpeg internal detection
* Resized all windows for better user experience
* Configuration file for MacOS X is now: /Users/{User}/Preferences
* All configuration files are now PLIST's
xVST version 1.8.2 alpha released! (bug fix release) 2008-03-30
The new xVST 1.8.2 is a bug fixrelease and comes with three new supported sites.
Changelog 1.8.2a:
* Added French language file
* Added 3 new services:
o GodTube
o MyVideo
o ClipFish
* Revised 1 service:
o MySpaceTV (added service icon)
xVST version 1.8.1 alpha released! (bug fix release) 2008-03-24
The new xVST 1.8.1 is a bug fixrelease and comes with two new supported sites.
Changelog 1.8.1a:
* Added 2 new services:
o MySpass
o Mp3Tube
* Revised 2 services:
o Dailymotion (added 'need login' detection)
o 123Video
* The last window size and state is now saved
* Fixed bug (Error: Wrong HTTP request were send (wrong host and path))
* Fixed bug (Error: The session was not saved correctly)
* Improved internal 'VideoItem' class
* Upgraded ffmpeg application to revision 11870
xVST version 1.8 alpha released! A major update! 2008-03-18
Finally has been released the new version of xVideoServiceThief, 1.8 alpha!
This new version is a major update. Why? Easy to answer, because has been implemented some important new features, such as SIMULTANEOUS DOWNLOADS, PAUSE/RESUME videos, improved error detections, 'Accessible information' usable for people with disabilities, and much more!
Here the full changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Changelog 1.8a:
* Added Multiple simultaneous downloads
* Added possibility to Pause and Resume downloads
* Added 'Stay always on top' option (accessible from trayIcon->Options->Stay always on top)
* Added 'Minimize to System tray' option (accessible from trayIcon->Options->Minimize to System tray)
* Added 'Paste URL from Clipboard' button in 'Add Video' form
* Added 'Time Remaining' for video conversions
* Added After a new installation, the program check for new updates
* Added 'Support this project' button in 'Information' form
* Added 'Information' panel in main form (Display items count, downloading count and total download speed)
* Added 'Help messages' (accessible from '?' button)
* Added 'Accessible information' usable for people with disabilities
* Added possibility to delete videos pressing the 'delete' key
* Added detection of 'Need login' videos
* Added more explicit error messages
* Added 'View error message' option on found errors
* Added link to 'GNU GPL' licence website (in credits form)
* Added 3 new services:
o Boingboing TV
o GameTrailers
o Tudou
* Revised 6 services:
o YouTube (added support for embedded videos and added 'need login' detection)
o Tu.tv (added 'need login' detection)
o Metacafe
o PornoTube
o TuPorno
o LiveLeak
* Changed licence to GNU GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
* Changed main window size
* Changed Information window size
* Changed Credits window size
* Fixed bug (Error: Disabling the automatic updates, the downloads were not started)
* Fixed bug (Error: On restore session, the missing videos where not deleted from list)
* Revised and sorted the 'Tab orders' into the application for a better accessibility
* Revised all shortcuts and replaced for Standard and cross-platform shortcuts
* Improved error detection (the 'Bug report' is only displayed if is a 'Connection error' or 'Invalid url')
* Improved the 'ProgressBar class' (now is more configurable)
* Improved internal 'HTTP implementation' (full class rewritten)
* Updated English (UK) language file
* Updated Spanish (ES) language file
* Updated Catalan (CAT) language file
Version 1.7.1 Alpha released! (bug fix release) 2008-03-03
This new bug fix release (1.7.1a) fix an IMPORTANT download bug!!
This is the changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Changelog 1.7.1a:
* Fixed bug (Error: downloads were not finished!! ** IMPORTANT **)
* Fixed bug (Error: 'Display popup' option was not saved)
* Fixed bug (Error: prevent access violation on invalid videos)
Version 1.7 Alpha released! 2008-03-01
After some IMPORTANT troubles with my Linux installation I can release the 1.7a of xVST for Linux!!
This is the changelog of this version (1.7a), enjoy it!
Changelog 1.7a:
* Added 10 new services:
o XTube
o Zuuble
o ZippyVideos (FLV & WMV videos)
o Zedge
o Blip
o Ceknito
o ZanyVideos
o Zaable
o YouTubeIslam
o YourFileHost
* Revised 2 services:
o Tu.tv (yes, again... :P)
o MySpaceTv
* Fixed bug (Error: external links were not opened... such as 'sf.net tracker', 'homepage in information form', etc...)
* Fixed bug (Error: 'Content-Length' was now correctly parsed in http class when a ';' was found)
* Fixed bug (Error: multiple 'Bug Reports' were displayed at same time and always the same video)
* Improved download speed average
* Improved time remaining calculation
* Improved TrayIcon (extended display information: current download/conversion video is displayed)
* Improved internal HTTP class
* Improved video errors management
Version 1.6.1 Alpha released! (bug fix release) 2008-02-18
This new xVST is only a bug fix release.
This is the changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Changelog 1.6.1a:
* Revised 1 service:
o Tu.tv
* Fixed bug (Error: the app was closed if the drag&drop window was active and 'Bug Report' was closed)
* Fixed bug (Error: dropped videos were corrupted)
* Improved TrayIcon (on double click over the tray icon, now the main form is restored)
* Improved internal parser functions
* Revised Spanish (ES) language file
* Revised Catalan (CAT) language file
Version 1.6 Alpha released! 2008-02-17
The new xVST version 1.6 Alpha has been released!
This is the changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Changelog 1.6a:
* Added 2 new services:
o GameSpot
o Stage6
* Revised 2 services:
o Dailymotion (also updated Dailymotion icon)
o Yuvutu
* Fixed bug (Error: fixed POST and GET methods in http class)
* Fixed bug (Error: invalid version comparation)
* Revised Polish (PL) language file
Version 1.5 Alpha released! 2008-02-10
The new xVST version 1.5 Alpha has been released!
The automatic updates WILL NOT DOWNLOAD this new version 1.5a, the reason is an IMPORTANT BUG with automatic updates in version 1.4a (solved in 1.5a).
This is the changelog of this version, enjoy it!
Changelog 1.5a:
* Added 'Credits' form
* Added 'Error Report' module
* Added 5 new services:
o Tu.tv
o Shufuni
o Spike
o MySpaceTv
o CinemaVIP
* Revised 1 service:
o Yahoo! Videos
* Changed 'Proxy Port' max. value from '4999' to '9999'
* Changed 'Proxy password' 'Echo mode -> normal' to 'Echo mode -> Password'
* Changed 'xUpdater is missing' warning message, now is only displayed the first time (and not on each executation)
* Fixed bug (Error: when the xUpdater was missing, the videos were not downloaded)
* Fixed bug (Error: downloads directory modified in main form was not saved)
* Fixed bug (Error: some downloaded videos were corrupted by stupid http class bug)
* Fixed bug (Error: the button 'check for updates' in Options is now deactivated if xUpdater is missing)
* Fixed bug (Error: Application updates didn't work!!! ***SHAME***)
* Fixed bug (Error: xUpdater was not launched as 'detached process'!!! ***SHAME***)
* Fixed bug (Error: the 'Checking updates' closed by 'X' didn't cancel the update process)
* Fixed bug (Error: the 'Update center' closed by 'X' didn't cancel the update process)
* Improved 'URL' validation functions
* Improved 'Updates', Dynamic version will download the correspondent 'Dynamic xVST' (and not the static version)
* Added Program Version information (.RC)
* Fixed bug (Error: 'Play video' did not work, file not found error was raised)
* Fixed bug (Error: 'Open downloads directory' did not work, some dist. did not open the directory)
* Changed executable name to 'xvst'
Mac OS X:
* Improved all dialogs
* Changed 'Downloads Directory' default dir (to usr/{name}/downloads)
Version 1.2 Alpha launched! 2007-09-17
New version of xVideoServiceThief: 1.2 Alpha
Change log:
* Added 4 new Video Services:
o Aniboom
o Bebo
o PornoTube
o DaleAlPlay
* Added 'Language Selection' (Multilanguage)
* Addes Session Manager (Save/Restore Sessions)
* Added Automatic Updates configuration
* Added Kids protection functions
* Added Downloads Log
* Added 'Online Help' button
* Added 'Open Downloads directory' button
* Added different icons for each task (getting, downloading and converting) for fast visualitzation
* Changed List View Columns (column click disabled)
* Changed program URL to http://xviservicethief.sourceforge.net/
* Updated Internal Download Core
* Fixed bug with TrayIcon and 'DoubleClick' (the main window is moved to front)
Version 1.1 Alpha launched! 2007-09-11
New version of xVideoServiceThief: 1.1 Alpha
Change log:
* Added 6 new Video Services:
o Lulu TV
o LiveVideo
o Yikers
o 123video
o 5min
o aBum
* Added Automatic updates function
* Added xUpdater sub-project
* Added Drag & Drop Functions (only win32)
* Added Information/About
* Added TrayIcon functions
* Changed the Main Form Icon
First public release launched! 2007-09-06
Welcome community, the xVideoServiceThief is now ready to be download.
Enjoy it.

It provides support for multiple operating systems including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Release Date: 2019 Genre: Download Managers, Internet xVideoServiceThief 2018 download is a powerful video managing tool that is offered by Xesc & Technology. Aug 22, 2020 xVideoServiceThief for Mac OS X xVideoServiceThief acts as a video online browser and downloader. It also has the ability to convert selected movies into video formats supported by most players.

xvideoservicethief wikipedia


xVideoServiceThief is a product of XESC & TECHNOLOGY

Xvideoservicethief For Mac Os X

Open Source
The xVST is developed under the GNU General Public License.

xVideoServicethief is available for the following platforms: Windows, Linx and MacOSX.


xVideoServiceThief (a.k.a xVST) is a tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites (currently supports 93 websites and increasing!).

xVideoServiceThief also provide you the ability to convert each video in most popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats.

Xvideoservicethief Mac Os X Mavericks

Xvideoservicethief For Mac Os X

» Expand the list of supported sites «
xVideoServiceThief offers:


xVST version 2.5.1 released! 2013-01-08

Mac Os X 10.11 Download Free

Finally! The new version of xVST is here! There are two things remarkable:

1) The Mac OS X 10.6 support has been restored and now the Mac OS X 10.8 is now supported!
2) You don’t like the adult plugins? Then disable them and forget about their existence!
Here the full changelog of this version, enjoy it!

Mac Os X Versions

Added the possibility to uninstall the adult sites from your system and ignore them (no updates)
Added a new startup parameter “-resetmessages” for display again all the starting messages (welcome window, adults sites request and change-log)
Added a new startup parameter “-showchangelog” for display again the change-log of current version
Fixed bug (Error: Erratic main window centering on startup when more than one monitor was connected)
Fixed bug (Error: Information window was too small)
Mac OS X
Compiled with Qt 5.2
Added Mac OS X Mavericks compatibility
Restored compatibility with Mac OS X Leopard (10.6.x)
Removed the QWebView module dependence (now the native WebView is used again and reduced the final binary size)


xeskuu.xvst_NOSPAM_gmail.com (replace _NOSPAM_ by @)
Any comment/suggestion will be welcomed!

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