Fallout New Vegas Double Perk Exploit List

  • Add-ons
  • Characters
  • Items
    • Skills
  • This page lists all skills in Fallout: New Vegas.
    • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
    • For skills in other Fallout games, please see 'Skill'.
    • For an overview of Fallout: New Vegas content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout: New Vegas'.

    Below is a list of the best and the worst perks that can be found in Fallout: New Vegas. RELATED: Fallout: New Vegas Mod Gives Players The Perfect Post-Game Ending. Updated September 30th, 2020 by Morgan Austin: After news broke about Mircosoft acquiring Bethesda, some fans have turned their focus towards Bethesda's games. Whether they might be. This is the summary table containing Fallout Las Vegas 100 most important cheats and console commands. There are however many more secret items, special weapons, bonus points, rewards and much more available in Fallout New Vegas PC game. You can find full list of Fallout Las Vegas console commands containing 1000+ Fallout Las Vegas cheats here. Aug 04, 2011 Fallout New Vegas Infinite XP and Double Perks Glitch Part 2 - Duration: 3:42. GET 28 PERKS - Fallout New Vegas Glitch - Duration: 8:12. Max Rumplestiltskin 811,015 views.

    • 4Improving skills


    Fallout: New Vegas shares a similar skill set to its predecessor, Fallout 3, but with several differences. Thirteen skills still remain, but the combat skills have been revised. Small Guns and Big Guns having been combined into the Guns skill, which now covers all conventional firearms with bullet projectiles. Weapons using explosive ordnance (missile and grenade launchers, for instance) are covered by Explosives. New throwing weapons, such as the throwing spear, have been added and are categorized as Melee Weapons. The Survival skill, which is similar to Outdoorsman, was re-added. It allows the player to craft a number various items, such as food, stimpaks, and poisons to augment the effectiveness of weapons.

    As opposed to in Fallout 3, skills other than Speech have an effect on dialogue choices. The player must have a certain amount in the particular skill or else the dialogue option cannot be passed. In the case where a player's associated skill level is too low, a dialogue option (highlighted in red) is presented that will fail the skill check, and will not grant a speech success. Unlike Fallout 3, where the same dialogue option is presented regardless of your success or failure, a check that will fail uses a humorously unconvincing response, while a passable check uses a well-thought out argument, thus reflecting the nature of the check.

    Unlike in Fallout 3, there are not enough skill points in the base game to max out every skill, even when accounting for every perk and skill book/magazine. Without add-ons installed, it is only possible to achieve a functional maximum in roughly ten skills by using skill magazines and the Comprehension perk for a temporary boost to 100 from a base level of 80.

    To offset the necessity of a minimum value for a certain skill, Fallout: New Vegas introduces skill magazines, which provide a large but temporary boost to their associated skill (+10 or +20 with Comprehension). By using one prior to conversation, a check can be passed that might otherwise be failed. They can also be used to boost skill with weapons temporarily or gain access to crafting recipes beyond the player's current skill. Like skill books, magazines are consumed once used, and more need to be collected to maintain the effect.


    The initial value of each skill is a base value of two, plus an amount depending on a character's value in the relevant attribute, plus a bonus determined by their Luck attribute, rounded up.

    Example: A starting Endurance of five and a starting Luck of five will give you an initial Unarmed skill of 15.

    Later changes to the SPECIAL stat have a similar influence on the respective skill.

    During character creation, the player will tag three skills, instantly adding 15 points to each one. When leveling up, the character will distribute ten skill points plus a number equal to half their Intelligence, totaling 15 at maximum IN. The Educated perk grants two additional skill points per level if chosen. Assuming the player has an Intelligence of ten from level 1 and takes the Educated perk at level 4, a maximum of 487 skill points can be distributed without any DLC. Each DLC raises the level cap by 5, thus adding a possible maximum of 5 x 15 = 75 points (or 5 x 17 = 85 points with Educated) to the total available.

    Skill Points available with a starting INT of 10 and with/without Educated:
    Base game : 487 / 435
    One add-on : 572 / 510
    Two add-ons : 657 / 585
    Three add-ons: 742 / 660
    Four add-ons : 827 / 735

    It can be seen from the above figures that the Educated perk confers an advantage relative to the number of add-ons/levels, so that a player with three DLCs and Educated actually has more skill points to distribute than a player with four DLCs but without Educated.

    List of skills

    SkillDescriptionAssociated statAssociated skillmagAssociated skillbook
    BarterProficiency at trading and haggling. Also used to negotiate better quest rewards.CharismaSalesman WeeklyTales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
    Energy WeaponsProficiency at using energy-based weapons.PerceptionFuture Weapons TodayNikola Tesla and You
    ExplosivesProficiency at using explosive weaponry, disarming mines, and crafting explosives.PerceptionPatriot's CookbookDuck and Cover!
    GunsProficiency at using weapons that fire standard ammunition.AgilityMilsurp ReviewGuns and Bullets
    LockpickProficiency at picking locks.PerceptionLocksmith's ReaderTumblers Today
    MedicineProficiency at using medical tools, drugs, and crafting medical supplies excluding chems.IntelligenceToday's PhysicianD.C. Journal of Internal Medicine
    Melee WeaponsProficiency at using melee weapons.StrengthTæles of ChivalrieGrognak the Barbarian
    RepairProficiency at repairing items and crafting items and ammunition.IntelligenceFixin' ThingsDean's Electronics
    ScienceProficiency at hacking terminals, recycling energy ammunition at workbenches, crafting chems, and many dialog checks.IntelligenceProgrammer's DigestBig Book of Science
    SneakProficiency at remaining undetected and stealing.Agility¡La Fantoma!Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual
    SpeechProficiency at persuading others. Also used to negotiate for better quest rewards and to talk your way out of combat, convincing people to give up vital information and succeeding in multiple speech checks.CharismaMeeting PeopleLying, Congressional Style
    SurvivalProficiency at cooking and surviving in the wastes.EnduranceLad's LifeThe Wasteland Survival Guide
    UnarmedProficiency at unarmed fighting.EnduranceBoxing TimesPugilism Illustrated
    Fallout new vegas add all perks

    Improving skills

    Fallout New Vegas Double Perk Exploit List 2017


    • Skill magazines will raise the particular skill by 10, or 20 if the Comprehension perk is chosen.
    • Certain armor or clothing can raise certain skills when worn.
    • Taking chems can augment S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, and thus raise the coinciding skill by a small amount.


    • Reading any skill book will raise that particular skill by 3, or 4 if the Comprehension perk is chosen.
    • Certain perks can raise skills permanently.
    Fallout 2
    Small Guns ·Big Guns ·Energy Weapons ·Unarmed ·Melee Weapons ·Throwing ·First Aid ·Doctor ·Sneak ·Lockpick ·Steal ·Traps ·Science ·Repair ·Speech ·Barter ·Gambling ·Outdoorsman
    Fallout 3Small Guns ·Big Guns ·Energy Weapons ·Unarmed ·Melee Weapons ·Explosives ·Medicine ·Sneak ·Lockpick ·Science ·Repair ·Speech ·Barter
    Fallout: New VegasGuns ·Energy Weapons ·Unarmed ·Melee Weapons ·Explosives ·Medicine ·Sneak ·Lockpick ·Science ·Repair ·Speech ·Barter ·Survival
    Fallout TacticsSmall Guns ·Big Guns ·Energy Weapons ·Unarmed ·Melee Weapons ·Throwing ·First Aid ·Doctor ·Sneak ·Lockpick ·Steal ·Traps ·Science ·Repair ·Pilot ·Barter ·Gambling ·Outdoorsman ·Cut contentSpeech
    Van BurenFirearms ·Unarmed ·Melee ·Security ·Sneak ·Steal ·Medic ·Mechanics ·Outdoorsman ·Science ·Barter ·Persuasion ·Deception
    J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPGFirearms ·Unarmed ·Melee ·Medic ·Sneak ·Athletics ·Security ·Steal ·Science ·Academics ·Mechanics ·Pilot ·Outdoorsman ·Investigation ·Persuasion ·Deception
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  • Items
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    • Perks
  • This page lists all perks in the original Fallout.
    • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
    • For perks in other Fallout games, please see 'Perk'.
    • For an overview of Fallout content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout'.
    • 1List of perks

    List of perks

    There are 53 character perks in Fallout. For perks with multiple ranks the benefit listed should be interpreted as 'per rank.'

    Not all perks are equal due to the way the game is structured. A quick breakdown of the usability of perks is as follows:


    Fallout New Vegas Double Perk Exploit List 2018

    • Awareness: Essential for any sort of planning in combat.
    • Bonus Rate of Fire/Bonus HtH Attacks: Self-explanatory.
    Fallout New Vegas Double Perk Exploit List
    • Action Boy: Universally useful. Bonus Move is good for melee characters.
    • More Criticals and Better Criticals: Good pairing in Fallout, as the top perks are only available in the end game, if at all.
    • Slayer and Sniper: Ultimate combat perks that are usually not available in normal gameplay, due to the extremely high level requirement.
    • Dodger and Toughness: Protection is good.
    • Quick Pockets: Improved access to inventory, but not as useful as the variant in Fallout 2.
    • Tag!: Can be used on Energy Weapons late in the game.
    • Bonus HtH Damage and Bonus Ranged Damage: The bonus to max damage is too low to make a noticeable effect (short of using burst weapons).
    • Lifegiver: The impact is negligible due to the level cap and limited number of experience points available
    • Pickpocket: Failing at stealing causes everyone to turn permanently hostile regardless. Save scumming is effectively mandatory for any sort of normal gameplay, rendering the perk null.
    • Silent Death and Silent Running: Sneaking is poorly implemented and the perks follow the pattern. Silent Death only affects the first attack made, while Silent Running is a convenience.
    • Smooth Talker: Diplomat characters will have a good starting intelligence.
    • Strong Back: Inventory capacity is hardly an issue, especially with a party member to use as a mule.
    • Animal Friend: Animals are not a threat.
    • Cult of Personality, Presence: The reaction system is broken, rendering these useless.
    • Earlier Sequence: Minimal impact on combat.
    • Educated, Master Thief, Medic, Mr. Fixit, Speaker: There are enough skill points in the game without the need to waste perks on getting more skill points.
    • Empathy: Marginal effect.
    • Faster Healing, Healer: Healing rate is never an issue.
    • Flower Child: Convenience for chem users.
    • Fortune Finder, Master Trader: Money is not an issue in the game.
    • Friendly Foe: Poor, poor design choice.
    • Ghost: Even less useful than Silent Death.
    • Heave Ho!: No effect at Strength 4.
    • Mental Block: No need. The psychic nullifier is always available.
    • Mutate!: A good choice of traits renders this useless.
    • Night Vision, Sharpshooter: Marginal effectiveness in any combat situation. Directly increasing a weapon skill has a much more noticeable effect.
    • Rad Resistance, Snakeater: Radiation and poison are marginal threats.
    • Explorer, Mysterious Stranger, Pathfinder, Ranger, Scout, Scrounger, Survivalist: All world map perks are useless, due to the marginal nature of random encounters: They're neither particularly dangerous nor profitable to farm.
    • Swift Learner: Useless. The purpose of levels is to gain perks. The purpose of perks is not gaining more levels.


    Perks in this category provide miscellaneous bonuses that do not fit in other categories. Awareness is among the most useful of perks.

    NameLevel reqOther requirementsRanksBenefit
    Animal Friend9IN 5, Outdoorsman 25%1Animals will not attack unless you attack first
    Awareness3PE 51Examining a target shows hit points, weapon and ammunition count
    Educated6IN 63+2 skill points at level up
    Empathy6PE 7, IN 51Reaction levels are shown when in an indepth converstaion
    Faster Healing3EN 63+1 bonus to your healing rate
    Flower Child9EN 5150% less likely to be addicted to chems, and withdrawal time is halved
    Friendly Foe6PE 41In combat characters on your team are highlighted green
    Master Trader9CH 7, Barter 60%125% discount when purchasing items from stores and traders
    Mental Block151Resistance to Master's psychic attacks
    Mutate!91Change one of your traits
    Night Vision3PE 6310% reduction in darkness level
    Swift Learner3IN 43+5% bonus whenever XP is earned
    Strong Back3ST 6, EN 63Carry an addition 50 lbs. of equipment


    A group of useful perks, especially those increasing the frequency of attacks. Bonuses stack.

    NameLevel reqOther requirementsRanksBenefit
    Bonus HtH Damage3ST 6, AG 63+2 points of damage for hand-to-hand and melee attacks (including Melee attacks!)
    Bonus Ranged Damage6AG 6, LK 62+2 points of damage for attacks with ranged weapons
    Bonus HtH Attacks6AG 61Hand-to-hand attacks cost 1 AP less to perform (including Melee attacks!)
    Bonus Rate of Fire9PE 6, IN 6, AG 71Ranged weapon attacks cost 1 AP less to perform
    Bonus Move6AG 53Two extra APs per turn that can be only be used for movement
    Action Boy12AG 53+1 Action Point
    Quick Pockets3AG 53-1 AP cost for opening inventory in combat
    Earlier Sequence3PE 63+2 to attack sequence
    Silent Death18AG 10, Sneak 80%1When sneaking, HtH attacks from behind do double damage
    Heave Ho!63+2 to Strength when determining range of a thrown weapon
    Sharpshooter6PE 7, IN 62+2 to Perception when determining range modifiers


    Perks in this category are useless, either tied to broken mechanics or easily bypassed with drugs.

    NameLevel reqOther requirementsRanksBenefit
    Presence3CH 63+10% to initial reaction of non-player characters
    Cult of Personality12CH 101People will always view you favorably, no matter your reputation and their alignment
    Smooth Talker3IN 43+1 to Intelligence for the purposes of dialogue


    Perks in this category should generally be chosen only if no better perks are available. See notes for details.

    NameLevel reqOther requirementsRanksBenefit
    Lifegiver12EN 43+4 HP per level
    Dodger9AG 42+5% to your Armor Class
    Toughness3EN 6, LK 63+10% to damage resistance
    Rad Resistance6EN 6, IN 43+15% to Radiation Resistance
    Snakeater6EN 31+25% to Poison Resistance


    Fallout New Vegas Double Perk Exploit List Download

    NameLevel reqOther requirementsRanksBenefit
    Explorer91Higher chance of finding special places and people in random encounters
    Pathfinder6EN 6, Outdoorsman 40%225% reduction in travel time on the world map
    Mysterious Stranger6LK 71Chance you will gain a temporary ally in random encounters
    Ranger6PE 63Chance of hostile random encounters is lowered
    Scout3PE 81Exploration is increased by 1 square in every direction on the world map
    Scrounger9LK 81Doubles the amount of ammunition found in random encounters
    Fortune Finder6LK 81Additional money is found during random encounters


    These perks provide flat bonuses to skills or modify them. They are best avoided, as the skills they affect have marginal use in gameplay, with the exception of Tag!.

    NameLevel reqOther requirementsRanksBenefit
    Tag!121Pick an addition Tag Skill
    Master Thief121+10% to skills: Sneak, Lockpick, Steal and Traps
    Medic121+20% to skills: First Aid and Doctor
    Mr. Fixit121+20% to skills: Repair and Science
    Speaker121+20% to skills: Speech and Barter
    Ghost6Sneak 60%1+20% to Sneak in dark conditions
    Pickpocket9AG 8, Sneak 80%1Size and facing modifiers are ignored when stealing from someone
    Survivalist3EN 6, IN 6, Outdoorsman 40%3+20% bonus to Outdoorsman for survival checks
    Healer3PE 7, IN 5, AG 6, First Aid 40%32-5 more hit points healed when using First Aid or Doctor skills
    Silent Running6AG 6, Sneak 50%1Able to sneak and run at the same time


    General perks affecting criticals.

    NameLevel reqOther requirementsRanksBenefit
    More Criticals6LK 63+5% chance of critical hits
    Better Criticals9PE 6, AG 4, LK 6120% bonus on the critical hit table
    Slayer18ST 8, AG 8, Unarmed 80%1All HtH attacks are critical hits
    Sniper18PE 8, AG 8, Small Guns 80%1Increased chance to score a critical hit with ranged weapons

    Weapon perks

    Weapon perks are enjoyed when one uses a specific weapon.

    NameWeapons wieldedBenefit
    Weapon AccurateVarious+20% bonus chance to hit
    Weapon KnockbackSledgehammer
    Super sledge
    Every five points of damage knocks the target back one hex
    Weapon Long RangeVariousDoubles the effective range of the weapon
    Weapon Penetrate.223 pistol
    Power fist
    Reduces target's Damage threshold to one-fifth it's normal value

    Armor perks

    Armor perks are enjoyed when one wears a specific piece of armor.

    NameArmors wornBenefit
    Combat ArmorCombat armor
    Brotherhood armor
    +20 Radiation resistance
    Powered ArmorPower armor
    Hardened power armor
    +3 Strength, +30 Radiation resistance

    See also

    Perks in Fallout
    Level 3Awareness ·Bonus HtH Damage ·Earlier Sequence ·Faster Healing ·Healer ·Night Vision ·Presence ·Quick Pockets ·Scout ·Smooth Talker ·Strong Back ·Survivalist ·Swift Learner ·Toughness
    Level 6Bonus HtH Attacks ·Bonus Move ·Bonus Ranged Damage ·Educated ·Empathy ·Fortune Finder ·Friendly Foe ·Ghost ·Heave Ho! ·More Criticals ·Mysterious Stranger ·Pathfinder ·Rad Resistance ·Ranger ·Sharpshooter ·Silent Running ·Snakeater
    Level 9Animal Friend ·Better Criticals ·Bonus Rate of Fire ·Dodger ·Explorer ·Flower Child ·Master Trader ·Mutate! ·Pickpocket ·Scrounger
    Level 12Action Boy ·Cult of Personality ·Lifegiver ·Master Thief ·Medic ·Mr. Fixit ·Speaker ·Tag!
    Level 15Mental Block
    Level 18Silent Death ·Slayer ·Sniper
    Weapon perksWeapon Accurate ·Weapon Knockback ·Weapon Long Range ·Weapon Penetrate
    Armor perksCombat Armor ·Powered Armor
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