This step may take quite a while in the case of a large new hard drive. After the cloning is complete. Original XBOX Hard Drive Upgrade. Clone the hard drive. Please help how to lock xbox hdd without xbhdm. I saw on chimp 2.6. Chimp is the hdd clone tool. If so u need to get ur 2nd hdd ready by setting the jumper to. For standard sizes this is NOT a hack or mod, this is a script which creates the exact hard drive structure Microsoft uses on each 2TB, 1TB, or 500GB console it sells. In the several years I've been doing hard drive upgrades and repairs on the Xbox One I'm not aware of a single person being banned for this practice. That said, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Chimp 2.6 Xbox Hdd Clone Tool Set
Having used the Chimp-Tools lately to clone an Xbox-Harddisk to replace it with a bigger sized disk, I put together all possible errors that I came across while trying solve my issue:
Xbox Hdd Master Tool
- Ensure you use the latest Chimp build:
- Verify to use the path Chimp expects:
E:applicationschimp loader
E:appschimp loader
E:chimp loader - Use standard RGB cable and not the Component or any other 3rd party video cable
- Disable the widescreen option in your Dashboard and use normal aspect ratio
- Disable 480p, 720p or 1080i options
- Linux users: Use a Windows machine to FTP transfer your files over to the Xbox; for some reasons the permissions attributes don’t work with Chimp (this was for example the issue I experienced and with Windows it worked without any problem)
More to come….