- While X4: Foundations previously required that this be done as an order, with the two ships having to meet first, there are now far fewer restrictions. The transfer of crew members between two ships is now possible regardless of the location of the ships, with crew members to be moved now making their way directly to their new ship in.
- Leveling the 4”x4’s to each other and squaring the corners are the difficult steps for this foundation. Construction Cost: $200.00 – $400.00 The cost of gravel fluctuates with location.
Send a ship on a venture. It fell out of a ship. Pick up 99 containers in space. It's Just Business: Join the Scale Plate Pact. Let's Build: Construct 10 stations. Liberator: Claim ten ships. Meet Your Mentor: Come face to face with your head of research. Miner's Luck: Mine the most valuable crystal node. Nailed Down: Destroy the engines of a.
X Universe Map
Use the Map hotkey to open a map of all the places the player and player owned ships have visited. The map will only show sectors that have already been visited and unexplored areas of space will appear as grey. while resources will appear as red, purple or blue tiles. Most stations will not be found in the same places each time we restart the game. That station variation has some constraints to support faction viability. Selected objects on the map can be targeted by the player ship using the Target Object In List hotkey.
Player assets are coloured green, friendly NPC objects are Blue and hostile objects are red. The outline for sectors and systems is the colour of the faction with local administrative power. The viewing angle of the map can be adjusted by holding the right-mouse button while moving the mouse (or controller equivalents). This helps observe the height of objects relative to the ecliptic represented by a thin grey line pointing from the object to its 2D position on the ecliptic. Since we can center the map on objects, these view rotations can also be used to look station module layouts.
Each object type is represented by a symbol on the map for easy identification when zoomed out (activate Legend button in top-right of the map to see a key).
Micro Scale
When zoomed in the map will show all the details seen on the ship radar including containers, missiles, asteroids, lock boxes, ships and station modules. The traded wares of individual stations will be shown next to the station. Modules of NPC station that have been scanned will be highlighted yellow on the map when selected under the Object List. As the player zooms out groups of stations will become clustered together in a box and their traded ware lists combined. Eventually all stations from groups of systems/sectors will become grouped together and individual ships will stop being represented on the view of the map.
Macro Scale
When zoomed far out the map will only show key stations for factions like Wharfs, Shipyards, Equipment Docks and Trading stations along with Highways, Superhighways, Jump Gates and Orbital Accelerators. Resource tiles will cease being visible and all systems/sectors will be represented as grey hexagons with a border colour of the owning faction. If zoomed out far enough the net wares for the entire X-universe will be clustered together.
Object List
List of all known stations and ships within radar range of player owned assets within the viewed area of the map. As the map is zoomed out more objects will show until smaller ones start being filtered out by the micro to macro transition. Left clicking player assets will select them and enable orders to be given by right clicking objects in the Object List or map and locations in the map. Stations have a + next to them to expand them to allow individual station modules to be selected. Station modules which have not been scanned appear as ???.
Property Owned
A list of all player owned assets. Double click an object to centre the map on the object. Left click objects to select them and right click on the map or other player assets to give them orders. Right clicking an asset has the Information option at the top which shortcuts to the Information tab for that asset
Mission Offers and Mission Manager
Mission offers is a list of all missions currently being offered in the sector the player ship is in. Guild Missions will always show on entering the sector (if unlocked by faction rank promotions) while Other Mission Offers will only show if the player has assets near the offering station or has unlocked them from an Audio Signal. Left clicking missions will open a window for the mission allowing the player to accept or open the briefing window. The Mission Manager will show all currently accepted missions and left clicking missions will allow the player to abort the mission, toggle guidance for the mission or open the briefing window. Upkeep missions are automatically generated by player assets to highlight a crucial lack which can impair operation.
Shows information for the left click selected object. General information shows stats from the owner, current shield and hull values to the loadout and station modules. Press the + next to sections to expand them. The amount of information shown for NPCs is limited by how deeply they have been scanned while player assets may have additional fields which can be set (like the weapon configuration for ships and the amount of credits in the manager’s account for stations. Global Standing Orders are automatic responses towards police and pirate hostility or if the ship encounters an abandoned ship with each having 4 simple options.
Ship Standing Orders have the same options and override Global Standing Orders should the player want some assets to be exceptions. Ships have Default Behaviour, which can be adjusted. Order Queue allows the player to see all current orders and set the Default Behaviour for a ship (when not the player ship) which is the order to perform when no additional orders are given by the player (for example getting idle Trading ships to Auto Trade). Change the Default Behaviour by clicking the pencil symbol to the right of the order while the * symbol determines what weapon systems the ship will use for combat while carrying out the order.
To make an order queue right click a point or object on the map and select an order from the list. The arrows to the right can be used to shuffle the position of the order in the queue. Each order will have several parameters that can be adjusted, usually by right clicking objects in the Object List which appear when the parameter is selected or using Shift+Left Click to target a 2D point in space. If the ship has no Default Behaviour the player will be notified when the ship completes the list of orders.
Manage Station Plots
Opens the view to show plots for stations in the selected sector. To change the sector viewed use the Object List to select a station in another sector. Friendly NPC plots are blue while hostile ones are red. Plots can range from 1x1x1km to 20x20x20km. At the top is the list are plots the player already has and left clicking will centre the map in plot view on the selected plot while at the bottom of the list is the option to create a new plot.
At the top right of the map are Filter Setting options to select the amount of information displayed on the map at one time. This can be useful for focusing on trading specific wares (like Claytronics and Hull Parts for station module construction). Wares can be added to the filter by right clicking the ware listed for a station or group of stations and removed by left clicking. Alternatively use the Filter Settings button to add and remove wares from the filter
The Encyclopaedia
The in game encyclopaedia hosts a vast wealth of information and trivia about sectors, factions, station modules, ships, consumables, weapons and turrets, equipment, licences, wares and lore of the X-Universe. Sectors, ships, factions and wares will have their entries appear as the player encounters them while consumables, weapons and turrets, equipment and licences require the player to have docked at a station which sells them. Station modules will only show when the player has obtained the blueprints for that module. Encyclopaedia entries list key stats as well as the types of wares needed to produce/build the item.
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This tutorial will guide you through the entire main quest, that leads to you getting a Player Headquarter (PHQ).
SPOILER ALERT! This tutorial is full of spoilers, so do not continue reading if you prefer playing X4 without any spoilers!
When starting a new game, you should immediately undock and move outside. Press Shift-2 to activate your short-range scanner and carefully fly close to the station to scan it. As you fly around you will suddenly hear a static noise and see some sparks coming from some random spot on the station – fly close to it and wait for the secret message to be decrypted – after this a Boron named Boso Ta will start talking to you and ask for your help with an experiment.
This will start the quest “Scientific Expedition” which will give you access to the Player Headquarter as well as allow you to research teleportation.
Dock at the station - Pickup Interface Unit
First task is to dock at the Argon Equipment Dock in Black Hole Sun IV.
As soon as you are docked, press ENTER and select GET UP. Walk out of your ship and follow the orange beacon to the pickup spot (you may have to use the elevators or teleport if it is placed on another level).
Use the nearest teleport to quickly get back to your ship.
The teleporter is located right next to the docking area.
Fly to Scientific Area
Notice: Before you undock make sure you have at least one Nav Beacon, Satellite and Resource Probe on your ship.
Fly to the designated area by following the orange quest beacon. As you get close press SHIFT-3 to activate the long-range scanner and then press R for about 1 second to start a scan. You may need to scan a few times until the anomaly is detected. Fly close to the anomaly and press ENTER and then DEPLOY (CIVILIAN) – NAV BEACON to place a Nav Beacon.
Now aim for the anomaly and press TAB to boost through it – alternatively you can use SHIFT-1 to enable travel mode, as you need some speed to be able to penetratre the anomaly. You will end up in Grand Exchange I.
Boso Ta will now give you a coordinate to the point of interest, which is another anomaly – fly near it. After talking Boso Ta will grant you 25.000 credits for your assistance so far.
Deploy Satellite
Boso Ta now ask you to place a Satellite near the anomaly. He will update your map with a couple of stations in Eighteen Billion in case you forgot to bring a satelite and resource probe…
Deploy Resource Probe.
After some more talking Boso Ta asks you to deploy a Resource Probe at a nearby location. Fly to the location, press ENTER and select DEPLOY (CIVILEAN).
Deliver Suitable Ship
Boso Ta will tell you about his plan and grant you 200.000 credits to buy a new ship and equip it with 3 x Antimatter Cells.
Fly to the nearest Wharf e.g. in Eighteen Billion and buy a cheap ship e.g. Kestrel Sentinel. Equip with only the cheapest mandatory systems – you don’t need weapon or shield, don’t equip any expensive stuff as this ship will soon be destroyed!
If you have not already explored the universe, you should now take the time to discover some of the jump gates and highways. You should also look for other missions and start earning reputation by e.g. doing missions, mining or trading with a faction. You need to earn rank with at least one faction before the PHQ quest continues.
Dock you expendable ship at TEL Antimatter Cell Factory I in Grand Exchange III and buy 3 x Antimatter Cells. Fly both ships to the mission area in Grand Exchange I. Target your expendable ship when it is at the precise location and then press F to talk to the captain and fire him, so he can evacuate the ship before it blows up.
Fly your own ship to a safe location at the second location a little away from the test area.

Bosa Ta will now activate the experiment which will blow up the expendable ship and cause the PHQ to appear.
The Experiment – Investigate Unknown Station
Bosa Ta will now ask you to scan the unknown station. Press SHIFT-2 to engage short-range scan and fly close to the mission targets. After you have finished scanning, the station now belongs to you!
Build Dock.
Bosa Ta suggests that you should build a dock in order to be able to land at your new station. To build the dock you must first buy a blueprint from a faction representative. If you have leveled reputation with the Argon, go to the Wharf in Argon Prime and take the teleporter to the Representative’s Office – talk with the representative and ask for blueprints. Buy whatever dock blueprint you want.
Open the map and right-click PHQ, right-click – select Plan Build. Select a dock module from the menu in the upper left corner and place it on your PHQ – it should snap to the headquarter in the 12 o’clock position. Next click the Assign or hire a Builder button – use the map to find a builder and select it. In the panel to the right you can see which materials are required to build your new dock and the amount of credits you should expect to pay in order to buy all the materials – make a mental note of this amount. Click the Confirm Module Changes button.
Expand the tabs in the right-hand window to see how many resources your new dock require in order to complete building. Notice the Estimated price to buy all resources. Drag the slider Available money for construction until you have assigned at least the required amount of credits to your station. When you later add new modules to your station(s), remember to add funds or nothing will be build!
You can buy blueprints by talking to a factions representative.

Escape Plan
When the dock has been build, Bosa Ta will call you again and ask you to dock at your station.

When docked, get up and walk down to the teleporter. Bosa Ta will now tell you that we still need to get access and he wants you to take a fast fighter to come and pick him up and escort him back to your PHQ.
Notice: When you get to the rendezvous point in Black Hole Sun IV I found a derelict Cerberus Sentinel (Frigate) both times I did the PHQ quest.
Wait for the ship to launch, then escort it out of the sector. Make sure to create a save game as you may encounter several Xenon and pirates while escorting the trader! After the ship has moved a little away from the station, it will go into Travel Mode and quickly fly out of the sector; at this part the danger should be over.
After your escort mission is done, fly back and dock at your PHQ. Step out of your ship and go to the teleporter – go to the Science Laboratory, where you will finally meet Bosa Ta in person.
Scientific Freedom
Open the map and click the new Research menu at the top of the screen. I suggest researching teleportation, but any research will do. After the research is done, the PHQ quest series is complete, and disappears from your Mission Manager, but a follow up quest will soon appear.
X4 Foundations Ship List Confirmed
Acquire Manager
Boa (M)
Next you need to find a manager. Make sure to have at least one crew member on your current ship – if not dock at any station, get up and walk around until you find somebody and then hire them.
X4 Foundations Ships Wiki
Dock at your PHQ and open your ship Information tab. Expand the Crew folder and then expand the Full Crew List folder. Right-click the crew member you want to appoint to manager of your PHQ and select Comm(unicate). Select 4 – Work somewhere else for me. Now select your PHQ from the Property Owned tab, right-click and choose Select.
X4 Ships Wiki
In the Assign Staff window in the upper right corner select Manager as Selected Role and click Assign.